Buying a home can be difficult, particularly if you have a low income, little money saved for a down payment, and a low credit score. However, homeownership is still attainable with the right knowledge and tools. Here are some pointers for purchasing a home with a small down payment, a low income, and a poor credit rating. […]
Read MoreFor homebuyers looking to reduce their initial monthly mortgage payments, a 2-1 buydown is a type of mortgage financing option that can be very beneficial. Here’s how it works: When a homebuyer takes out a 2-1 buydown mortgage, the lender agrees to temporarily lower the interest rate for the first two years of the loan. […]
Read MoreJanice is serious about her real estate career and takes professional development courses regularly. She completed Investment Analysis and Tax Consequences of Real Estate, received her Short Sales and Foreclosures Certification, and completed Residential Investment Analysis.