
Uncategorized What You Need To Know Before Selling Your Land What You Need To Know Before Selling Your Land If you’ve got a piece of land that you want to sell, the process is relatively simple. Unlike selling homes and developed property, selling land is a much less involved process and can be done in far fewer steps. That doesn’t mean, however, that there isn’t […]
Uncategorized What to Do When Your Water Heater Is Making Noises What to Do When Your Water Heater Is Making Noises The most common reason for a noisy water heater is sediment collecting in the bottom of the heater. The noise is caused when the hot water bubbles up through the sediment at the bottom of the tank. When this occurs, it causes a popping sound. […]
Uncategorized When Do You Recommend Staging When Do You Recommend Staging and When Is It Unnecessary? A good stager’s art will capture and appeal to the best possible buyers on a visual, visceral, and emotional level. Virtual staging isn’t enough, and you don’t want to be there for the letdown that a buyer would certainly have when discovering the home they’ve […]
Uncategorized 9 Steps in Buying a Home Prepare Yourself With These Simple Steps in Purchasing a Home Buying a home can be everyone’s most expensive purchase in life. And because it is costly, you don’t want to make any mistakes to jeopardize your savings. Below are the steps that are broken down to make it less complicated and daunting for you. Before […]
Uncategorized 9 Steps in Selling Your Home If you’re in a position where you need to relocate, downsize, or need a larger home, then you need to be prepared for selling your current home. It can be a stressful experience you might endure. When it comes to selling your home, some things are out of your control, but being aware of these […]
Uncategorized How to Transform a Dorm Room Into Something How to Transform a Dorm Room Into Something Special There is so much to get ready for when you are moving out on your own for the first time. I remember being so excited to start my journey at the University of Missouri-Columbia (don’t hold that against me, Kansas fans) as an “official adult” (in […]
Uncategorized 5 Unsafe Design Trends 5 Unsafe Design Trends Home Inspectors Wish You’d Stop Doing When it comes to home design, popular trends don’t always heed a “safety first” warning. That’s according to home inspectors the people tasked with inspecting properties for immediate or potential problems. As more homebuyers renovate fixer-uppers or look to Pinterest for DIY design inspiration, home […]
Uncategorized Should I Sell My House Now Is there ever a perfect time to sell your home? And should I sell my home now? Home prices have drastically increased since 2020. The question can be subjective and you need to weigh your own circumstances before following the market and crowd. Before making the decision to sell or keep your property, please consider […]
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Uncategorized Advantages vs Disadvantages of Owning and Renting a Home Purchasing a home can be one of the biggest decisions individuals make in their life. Before deciding whether you want to own a home, check your finances and see if you can afford to buy one. It’s important to see if the benefits outweigh the cost. Even if you can afford to buy a home, […]
Uncategorized Selling an Off-Market Home Deciding to list your home off-market means you do not market it publicly for the general market but for a limited audience, such as through word of mouth or networking. When realtors submit the listing on MLS, it gets synced to Zillow, Realtor.com, etc., for thousands of people seeing your listing. Consider the pros and […]
Uncategorized What is a Title Insurance and Why Do You Need it Title insurance protects buyers from any issues, such as damages or financial losses of a property. If the previous owners make false claims, this can save you from damages. Title companies ensure that the seller can legally relinquish the property to you. Discuss with your lender what needs to be addressed to ensure that the […]
Uncategorized SELLING A HOME WITH TENANTS If you’re wondering if you can sell your property with a tenant still living in the property, the answer is yes. It might be a challenging conversation with your tenant, but selling is legal even when they want to continue renting or leasing the property. Before starting the selling process, check the rental agreement and […]
Uncategorized What to Consider when Renovating your Home You’re finally settled in your home and are ready to renovate for your dream home. Renovations are a huge commitment and can be costly, so it’s important that you have a plan before getting started. Home renovation can be an exciting and rewarding process, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful if not properly planned. Whether you’re looking […]
Uncategorized HOW TO PURCHASE A HOME WITH LITTLE DOWN PAYMENT, LOW INCOME, AND A BAD CREDIT SCORE Buying a home can be difficult, particularly if you have a low income, little money saved for a down payment, and a low credit score. However, homeownership is still attainable with the right knowledge and tools. Here are some pointers for purchasing a home with a small down payment, a low income, and a poor credit rating. […]
Uncategorized WHAT IS A 2-1 BUYDOWN AND HOW DOES IT WORK? For homebuyers looking to reduce their initial monthly mortgage payments, a 2-1 buydown is a type of mortgage financing option that can be very beneficial. Here’s how it works: When a homebuyer takes out a 2-1 buydown mortgage, the lender agrees to temporarily lower the interest rate for the first two years of the loan. […]